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Galactic Sound Healing

  • Galactic Sound® Healing

  • The Most Powerful Healing You Will Ever Experience!!

  • Galactic Sound is the galactic language of love and light.  It carries encodements for frequency healing, activating DNA, it is used for healing any issue, for toning, meditating, aligning. The energy of the Galactic Language is from Source, Galactic Council or Universal Consciousness.

  • During the process of the Galactic Sound Healing session, the energy transmission is a coding sequences of Sound and Light transmitted through the voice, hands and eyes as the conduit. These energy transmissions are a gift from the Spirit.  We are all suffering a certain degree of mental, emotional and physical illness through our current life time.  Most of these illnesses or attachments were deeply rooted in our physical body for many life times.  Our soul recorded these memory blockages from our past life events such as trauma, injuries, war, fights, grief, broken relationships, illness and death.  When a Galactic Language Healing session is conducted, the energy has the ability to retrieve these past life memories.  The coded transmission through voice and hand symbols will permanently release the karmic blockages with no regression. Different tones and vibration can regenerate cells and correct the distorted frequencies.  Love and Inner Harmony will be restored without suffering from our past life traumas.

  • Galactic Sound Healing is designed for spiritual advancement, physical and consciousness evolution through the activation of previously dormant human DNA potential. We all hold energy frequencies in our DNA, cells and energy fields, which are the result of thoughts we have created in the past or had projected at us by others. The intention of the spiritual hierarchy in bringing these sound codes through Robert as the human conduit is to prepare humanity for soul ascension.

  • Robert Tang has successfully treated the following symptoms with Galactic Sound such as stomach indigestion, Crohn’s disease, frozen shoulder, emotional trauma, bipolar disorder, prostate enlargement, respiratory issues, hormone imbalance, addiction, weight loss and cancer.  Galactic Sound Healing alleviates and heals the above ailments much faster than many other forms of external healing modalities.







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